Great thoughts. One of the big challenges with topic-based building-oriented programs is that it presumes people have already achieved a certain degree of self-awareness about their interest and directions.

There are plenty of those people and so I'm not suggesting this is a constraint on your project! A focused product like a MyMBA sounds great.

But a lot (maybe a majority) of people that follow a traditional educational path have never built anything. They have never, or rarely, pursued anything for the joy of it or cultivated a skill independently.

When you offer them freedom, they have a meltdown. (I led a small, builder-oriented college: in LatAm where I saw this first hand https://mpc.ufm.edu/)

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There is a "funnel" issue for the future of education -- one that starts much earlier in a person's life.

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Thanks for the feedback. I agree that complete freedom is difficult. I didn't touch on it as much in this post, but structure is important to these programs. For instance, in The Tech Progressive, there are specific constraints like 500 word essays & tech progressive topics of interest. We also help with prompts and ideas for topics. But, there is certainly a balance between complete freedom and structure.

Another point - I think the process of building (writing as well) is that it helps people explore their interests.

Appreciate the comment Zach!

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